My inner critic worries about being inadequate or disappointing my partner
I’ve been known to be very anxious and too concerned with what the partner thinks of me. Even talking about it through text terrifies me. I don’t want to feel like this anymore
Yep it’s great
I get to focus on something
Writing it down and seeing it reflected back at me like that forced me to confront the reality of my inner critic
That he’s confused. He knows I want to be intimate but he won’t let me
That my inner critic is basically just my ego trying to protect itself from discomfort or pain, and that essentially being in my head is all ego driven because I’ve felt ashamed or not worthy for most of my life
Not really. I just don’t know why to write.
I learned that I felt a lot of shame in not being able to perform with the partner I lost my virginity to. This has affected my mentality moving forward and I suppose I need to confront the past?
He’s a hurtful, drunken “friend” with no filter or grip on reality. He’s an asshole, but your asshole because you know he means well.
Yes I guess
Yeah that summary hit home
That was great, having my thoughts reflected back to me really helped me reflect on them. Basically I feel l need to be perfect to be loved and then I worry about not performing and then I don’t perform.
That it creates a self fulfilling prophecy and I need to challenge it or forever be stuck in this loop
That it’s more present then I thought and my erection issues possible stem from the fear of being alone
It works well working it out in my head
It allowed to really describe what’s going on but also realize how it’s stopping me from enjoying the moment.
It’s when I start to overthink and putting myself on future scenarios that I distract myself from connecting in the moment. Leaving a free space for the self criticism join in the bed.
Damn. This was spot on, and went way deeper than I thought. This is legit.
He’s a perfectionist