What did you learn about your inner critic's tactics?

I learned that it’s somehow trying to protect from failing like I did in the past and avoid those negative feelings associated with failure


Yes somewhat


Yes a little bit

Yes learned that it can be conquered in due time

It was good to journal my thoughts, hopefully this will progress into handling and managing my inner critic more effectively

Being aware of my inner critic allows me to work on it and in time gives me more and more power over it. Ignoring it or using pills will only exacerbate the issue.

That it is self driven, I am the one fueling my own inner critic.

Learning about my inner critic has been an eye opener to say the least

It is nice to converse about it. Even with an AI bot. For the most part I knew all of what I wrote down already. But I believe it is still therapuetic in nature irregardless.

It is all a vicious cycle, our mind and body are trying to protect us from negative emotions we don’t want to feel but fundamentally it isn’t protecting us it is holding us back from what we actually want to do.

I know it’s self fueled, but voicing it out loud makes me ask myself when did this start, what was the trigger for it, how to work past it. Opens up all new questions to help.

It does work as it opens up a box that allows me to write down what I’m feeling. Without it the feelings are locked up and I don’t understand them fully

I’ve learned that personally my inner critic may have less to do with how it speaks to me in the moment and possibly have more to do about excess porn usage (PIED) - therefore my mind is wired to more of an intense fantasy to get me aroused.

It helped solidify in my head what pressures I am putting on myself

I learnt that my inner critic need a good fuck’n smack in the mouth & that he is a real ■■■■.


It highlighted areas I probably haven’t confronted before

It got me to confront feelings that I had previously been keeping at bay.

I learned that I fear underperforming

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That my inner critic is crippling me and I need a way to overcome it.