I think it could help.
I think it begin to help me with understanding where I am and address the problems, because I need to know what they are first.
Not really. It made me worry more by making the worries my inner critic brings up more real
I think it could help identifying the inner critic. Never really sat down to identify and analyse until now.
Mainly that it blocks me from enjoying the present experience, being on the moment
That was insightful
Yes, the final summary I was given helped.
It likes to make sex a test
My inner critic feeds off of my level of anxiety.
He’s a self destructive SOB. He’s trying to convince me that I don’t deserve joy. I hate that mofo
It laid things out more clearly for me.
It really gave the perspective of focussing too much on the outcome rather than the the moment. As always greatly said the journey is what matters not the destination.
I’ll be honest, it really did well. Going into the exercise, I was worried that I would have a mental block as that tends to happen with discussions with others, but once I got started I was able to identify my feelings and emotions with everything. The responses being summarised helped as well, in that I feel like going back and reading them later on will work as a mantra of sorts.
I agree. It seems more like focusing on the outcome rather than enjoying the experience. The critic is always there to create self doubt and speaks even louder when trying to focus.
Really insightful, I’ve never really tried to face him like this. Knowledge is key and knowing who your inner critic is helps you get past them
I learnt that my inner critic is very harsh, but it is not true, it just appears when I have low energy, illness or if I’m a lil intimidated by my sexual partner and can’t relax around her. In regular life and with my normal energy I think I’m a great, charismatic, sexy, admirable person that women want to be with, i just have to remember that they’re in a sexual situation with me because they believe that too which makes it true and makes my inner critic irrational, untrue and can easily be beaten.
This inner critic, I’ve found, acts like that devil on your shoulder, constantly whispering negativity in my ear. He reprimands my shortcomings, instills me with doubt and stress, always makes me believe I’m gonna fail no matter what I do.
It’s insightful to read other comments also.
Journalling is good to make me realise how I feel. Inner critic is something I just want to push away. Need to remember the girl likes me and wants me and that should give me the confidence to stand up. Need to remember to balance my own needs also and not overpressure myself to perform.
I already spend a lot of time in my head thinking about ways to improve my situation. I’m not sure journaling will work for me. I need input from an external perspective.
It prepares me to be disappointed but then creates a self fulfilling prophecy because of it. Like other comments say, I have to learn to enjoy the moment and the journey rather than being so focused on the destination