What did you learn about your inner critic's tactics?

Yeah it helps a bit. Can help declutter thoughts and feel less swamped

Writing things down has always been an effective way for me to work through complicated feelings. It works here as well.

This is my first time journaling like this. I’ve heard it’s a good exercise, but I don’t have enough experience to assess if it’s working for me

Yes, writing works well for me. I learned that I view sex as a performance rather than an intimate connection. That results in immediate pressure as soon as I know or expect to have sex.

While I think journaling was helpful, I need more ideas on how to silence my inner critic. What has worked for me is to not think about it. Worrying about performance never helps. When I wait for it to happen, I tend to get hard. The IC then tries to pop back in, but if I concentrate on a fantasy, then I can focus on the and my sensations. It’s only if I start to go soft, do I have a harder time boxing him out. If I agree with my spouse that every sexual encounter doesn’t have to end with penetration and ejaculation, and I believe it, I really will be able to tell my IC to STFU.

It does but I struggle with making it a habit and doing it consistently!

I’m surprised at the insights I had - on the one hand nothing new, on the other hand it fit together in a way that surprised me

The learning is to have compassion for the inner critic, as it’s just me trying to help protect myself, and then to gently tell it to be quiet

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I need an understanding partner to help me with this i feel i cant do it alone

Yeah maybe, but need to keep up with this

It is ever present and is not just emotional but physical

Yes is refreshing

Yeah it helps to put some structure around these thoughts, especially because I haven never had a space to articulate them before

It really helps to write things down and have them prompt other questions. And then to have it all paraphrased back to me is useful.

My inner critic essentially triggers thoughts that loop over and over. Thoughts that pop in randomly that I don’t want and I can’t get them out of my head.

It helps to write things down

Definitely helps to write things down

Let go is the best solution

This was great

Yes it definitely helps get my thoughts out into paper and realize it’s just a bunch of bs. I ta helpful to get Ai responses to reframe my thought patterns, but just the simple act of writing my thoughts down helped me see the lies my critic is telling me, making me want to fight back against it

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Yes, the AI chat responses and deeper queries brought up suppressed emotions

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