What did you learn about your inner critic's tactics?

Helps to label these thoughts and talk about them

Writing it down helps but the feelings remain

I learnt how I am very insecure person at intimacy

I learned that my inner critic is trying to shield me from a feeling of rejection. Interesting stuff

It reinforces all my negative emotions


Yes it works
Feels like my inner critic is setting standards way to high that are unachievable for anyway which is putting me in fight or flight and dropping my erection
I need to enjoy the moment take a step back

Yes the journaling helps.

The inner critic is found . That its emotional and belief system of constant watching and stuff. Feels like.i have lot of work to be done dhen …

i think so yes

It has helped identifying a few things

Well see as we progress

A little

A bitt

I learned a lot about how expectations of sex about men influence my anxieties about performing sexually

It helped me focus my thoughts into something concrete that i can try to tackle.

It was great to see in words what goes through my head!

It helps some…

Not sure yet

Writing thoughts and feelings down always helps me. But i feel it works better when i am asked specific questions that i can aim an answer at.

So far it is helping me understand where a lot of my issues are coming from. Hopefully by continuing i can get to where i want to be