What did you learn about your inner critic today?

Did not reflect my idea of my inner critic but I’ll use it as a visual representation

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Showed my adult self with my child self, it hit in a way

That its just myself, but with all the insecurities and anxiety at the forefront. Yes its trying to protect me, but not from anything that has immediate danger most of the time.

Mostly but he is muscular and strong in appearance whereas the feeling or image associated with my inner critic is that of weakness and fragility.

My inner critic resonated because it tends to be doom and gloom and woe is me. Image captures that accurately.

everytime i see my inner critic i feel overwhelmed and scared not going to lie

A bit scary but did seem appropriate

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Yeah spot on

Sort of . Never thought to visualize it

Sad but true

I was surprised it was as good as it was. I thought it would just be A.I junk, but I was like, wow!

It definitely has given me different perspective on myself

Yes, I needed to see it from a 3rd person.

The fact that its there to protect me but in a false way

It gave me a third person view but it scared me

I always just felt like it was me saying everything negative to myself. Picturing it as a separate thing made me feel more confident I could control it.

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It’s faceless, but is always watching and passing judgement. It hides behind its own mask, maybe for shame? Anonymity?

It makes me doubt I know myself, and then I have no ground to even fight back. But at the core, I know I’m transforming into myself, but better

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It symbolizes how I’m slowly drowning in all my own thoughts and emotions.

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It feels like me on days where I’m not myself - my head’s low, I avoid eye contact and I just try to keep busy getting things done.