What affirmations work for you?

  1. You are allowed to be soft.
  2. Your softness is a reflection and affirmation of my feelings.
  3. My feelings are valid.
  4. You are part of me. I know you never meant to embarrass me.

I am fine just the way I am. I love being me and the penso I have.

I will get erection and it will stay

You are a part of me we are going to enjoy sex together

We’re in this together. We will get through this and we will succeed.

I said, I know it’s been a hard journey but we’re going to be a team again

I’d be a whole lot happier if we were trying to remove silly thoughts from my head during sex, not add more of them. Again, sorry for the negative tone, and I hope this helped someone, but I would rather not open an actual dialog with my junk. Especially while laying there fondling it, soft.

You’re doing your best, we’re in this together, and this is a journey and this is only one season of it.

We have come a long way in the last couple years. You are desired and you make women feel amazing. You make me feel amazing and connected to my body. We got this

We are in the right way

We’re a team, let’s work together.

I just used the suggestions. I found them all helpful, and especially liked, “I know this is weird, but we’re in it together.” And a sense of humor about the whole thing. It felt very strange/silly and exposed, so I would just have to laugh and say, “we’re doing alright. you’re good.”

We’re in this together.

i know you don’t mean to embarrass me

I want to really trust and have faith in you and i have to just let you go and have faith you will work with me.

(Now that i’m reading these im realizing i gotta be way more upbeat LOL)

I have been putting unnecessary pressure on you. We should only do what we want, and we are on the same team. I don’t want to use you, I want us to work and communicate together.

We’re moving forward together.

Reminding myself that the same mind that created the problem can solve it and that we’re on the right path

I’m proud of my penis. You’re part of me, and I’m going to get this figured out.

it’s not your fault