What affirmations work for you?

That we’re a team and we’re working together,

That we’ve been through this before, we’ve gotten out once, and we can do it again.

You’re a great dick, we’re going to get this right, we’re a team

Bro is my wingman, we just gotta trust each other

That we’re going to be working together and that it’s part of me

Sex is going to be fun and effortless. You got this.

It’s not your fault/I care about you/We’re in this together

We are on the right track, you deserve great sex, she wants you just as bad as you want her

You want this. This is perfectly normal. We are a team. It is ok. I’m doing this for you, you’re doing this for me.

I apologize for putting so much pressure on you for the problems i caused over all my life. We will get through this, and I am going through counseling that will cure this and my other mental issues

I am sorry I have put so much pressure on you in the past.

you dont need to be anything and you dont need to please her. you just need to focus on pleasing myself and doing things i like

We got this. We will overcome this hurdle. We are one.

I just talked about how good we are going to make my girlfriend feel and thought about dirty thoughts

It’s not your fault. Its okay to relax. Its okay to feel good

I have a good erection and I enjoy it

Size comparison to my thumb. I know that my thumb pleases a women and if that little guy can then I know my penis can. I would put my thumb next to my penis and see that my penis is well equipped to get the job done.

You are a part of me, I trust you

It’s not your fault.
Your part of me and we are in this together.
We will do this.
I know you didn’t mean to embarrass me.

You look great and are healthy. I’m reconnecting with you now.

It’s strange but I talked to it. I told it that it was unfair to put so much pressure on it and hate on it and really not even acknowledge my soft penis’s existence. So I told it what the suggested things were to like “we are in this together” if it doesn’t happen I’m not going to think angry thoughts at it and yeah just accepting it more for what it is because it’s apart of me