Sometimes I feel using Fantasy for masturbating is the same as using porn.
In my head it’s very vivid… and I think of porn or last seksual experiences… How is this different from porn?
Why van porn be a problem, but fantasising about porn is not?
I don’t get it.
Share your thoughts?
Fair point mate, I gave no clue either.
I think it is a bit different in that you are mentally actively fantasizing rather than passively watching a video (say). In this sense you are more involved in your arousal.
That active mode can be used anytime anywhere to help maintain or get aroused if needed whilst porn may not be readily available depending on the circumstances.
Just a thought or two…
It’s not the same. I’m 55 days free of porn and my ED situation is SOOOO much better. Better thoughts, better arousal, actually having the ability to have sex, having better sex. 100% different.
One is putting input into your brain by external stimulation (and requiring your pleasure centers), and the other is you creating arousal by yourself.
I can fantasize all day long and not have my brains pleasure centers be so disrupted as what porn did to me.
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Search Ted talk on The Great Porn Experiment.
Entirely different. Porn free for 55 days and I’m having sex again, aroused, clearer mind. Way better.
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That is a very interesting insight!
I hadn’t thought about it that way.
I think i agree with you. Thanks
Yeah I guess the external part and creating your own arousal is what makes the difference. That makes sense. Thanks for sharing and the insight
I will!
And I don’t actually watch much porn anymore. I was just wondering. I was porn free for several months at some point.
But becauseMojo says it’s not necessarily bad, I do allow myself to watch porn one time each week. I just don’t make the porn to “crazy” haha.
Personally I think fantasy can be very similar to porn, although it’s hard to tell because I’ve never been big into porn. I think you can get far too used to the interface between hand, penis and porn/fantasies, to the extent that real sex is not good enough, and in that respect I think it’s similar (plus, I think it’s normal to fantasise while using porn and to fantasise based on porn you once saw). After things started going south in my marriage (a big catalyst was a catastrophic attempt to improve our sex life), I stopped fantasising for a bit…and that lasted a few weeks, even though I didn’t masturbate to orgasm for about two months! My fantasies are a big part of my life and although I feel okay about most of them, they really don’t improve my RL sex life (which has been on hold since January:(…)