The triggers to stop watching porn

Hi there I’m 28 and am just giving up porn for the first time

I have 2 tips to share that have helped me go 3 weeks without out it for the first time in my life

The first is to try masturbating with your imagination and even if you don’t get really hard first few times try to cum it’s a great step in the right direction and you will start to get harder

The 2nd and probably more important social media man holy fuck they are borderline porn sites now you ether need to try delete the apps completely or els most have little buttons for settings like stop showing me this content or block or remove any profile that shows really sexual images

Try to follow more pages of hobbies you like rather then the hot girls your never going to meet in your life you can do it

But social media is doing everything to keep you hooked

You know the saying SEX SELLS

Hopefully someone find this helpful



Have you had much luck with the “stop showing me this buttons?”
I had a weird period the other day where i kept getting gross medical stuff in my feed, and no matter how many times I clicked it, it felt like it took an hour to make it all go away?

Any tips on what I did wrong before I take the plunge to start hiding sexual content?

The algorithm will keep suggesting stuff you click on so like I said follow loads of pages about your hobbies or interests and click on them it will change

Deleting my insta app really helped because my explore page was full of half-naked bodies which kinda segued into watching porn (even though I clicked not interested on them all they kept showing up), so I second this post big time. It’s also good to get out of social media anyway :slight_smile:

One of the thing I’ve done is put my phone in black and white mode. It’s on accessibility and display. It just makes my phone much less visually appealing to look at and so I don’t find porn as appealing

I’d like to ask about the first tip you wrote - using your imagination only. What if what you imagine is what you watched in porn anyway? Isn’t that the same thing?