Struggling to get horny with girl

So I’ve been seeing this girl for a while now, she’s really kind and loving, but I’m not really attracted physically to her, is it possible that this lack of attraction contributes to me being less horny and hard with her? I’m fine with porn and with hookers so

Hey, I had the same issue with my girlfriend of one year. I had to force myself or think of porn to get hard.
Then I tried it with a guy and I had no trouble getting horny. But I wasn’t getting hard. A big part of it was because I felt being gay is a bad thing. Now I love my sex life with men. I don’t have to pretend.

I’m not saying you’re gay. I’m just saying if it doesn’t come naturally, try with someone else. A different type and see if it’s your girl that is not your type. My ex-girlfriend was the most beautiful girl in college. But she didn’t do the job