Struggle with Size Anxiety?

Honestly it doesn’t mater. I’ve been told I have a nice thick and long. I still feel inadequate at times. It’s my mental state that prohibits me from relaxing and enjoying myself. Everyone has their own personal issues in some areas.
I never get undressed first because some women don’t want what I have and have backed out. So it goes both ways.
My mind says you know she might back out and then it’s like I’m ashamed at times so I’m a mental wreck…

you’re not.Despite being complimented, i remain unassured

My flaccid size is sometimes tiny, but I don’t care. Any partner who tells you that you’re not big enough can do one, because you don’t need them in your life.


I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling with size anxiety. This can be a difficult and challenging issue to deal with. I’m not a medical professional, so I can’t provide you with a diagnosis or treatment plan. However, I can offer you some general information and resources that may be helpful.

Size anxiety can be a symptom of a number of different conditions, including body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and small penis syndrome (SPS). BDD is a mental health disorder characterized by an obsession with one’s appearance.

i empathize you, sir. it’s indeed an unbearable feeling within during such moments of disappointing occurrences, especially for how you’re not being pleased :pleading_face:

Im a grower not a shower, so I am self conscious how I look when not erect. I like to wear underwear to bed for this reason. I think it may be affecting my performance anxiety.

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This is definitely an intrusive thought I deal with. I’ve done the work to understand that it is untrue but when I’m in the heat of the moment, this is a thought that blooms in my brain very quickly and I’m instantly battling the thought and reassuring myself, but the thought doesn’t go away and my erection does. Then my critic is laughing in the shadows

There are showers and growers. If you are the latter, make sure to let your partner first time they see you naked. :ok_hand:

Oh yeah. I’ve always had anxiety over my size - though I think I land in the average range. But that doesn’t stop the inner critic. Also doesn’t help that an ex girlfriend started dating a much younger guy and she delights in telling me how huge he is, how fast his recovery time is and how much she loves it. Sure, she could be twisting the knife a bit - but when people play into the fears you already have about yourself, it definitely gets in the brain…and that’s going to create background anxiety in bed.

I’m in a ENM relationship and my partner plays w others and I’m the smallest.
I know I shouldn’t compare to others as she’s not a size queen but every now and then I feel less adequate when she wants a big c

Definitely not along mate, I think it affects a lot of us, possibly from watching too much porn growing up. I’d know I’m well above average in length but then I worry about girth, am I thick enough etc etc even though realistically I’m going to be. But no matter if you know the facts it still sits there plaguing your mind don’t it.

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it could

Same. Fully hard is actually ok, no Guinness Book but more than enough. Flaccid is ridiculous.

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That’s tough, I admire the courage of doing ENM and being the smallest of the queue, I don’T know if I could, good on you mate.