I find myself strangely annoyed when I read about some guy who’s experiencing erectile issues also suffering the humiliating indignity of finding out that his partner is porking some other goon who happens to have a huge dick, a la the “pornstars” who are portrayed as God’s gifts to the sex-hungry world. It’s a device the porn merchants use to sell the worthless crap they peddle to the limp-dick market (it must be a bloody gold mine), promising all kinds of miraculous results, with long video infomercials, with phony-ass “testimonials” from a whole array of happy men who have become the owners of such huge penises that women chase them, begging for a Big Juicy Fuck (and then another…and another…and…etc.). BOLLOCKS! It’s a bloody outrage. These bastards should be prosecuted for fraud in the highest possible degree.
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