Situational performance anxiety

When I notice that I am not as erect as I used to be or am in an awkward position like putting on a condom or even missionary

I took a antipsychotic drug that caused ed so i automatically assumed it would take 30 days to leave my system because a similar situation happened before. Like a month and a week later it comes foreplay and im nervous that I can’t get it up because i masturbated the night before. Although this was never an issue before it during the wait time for the prescription to leave my system i felt that would be the case.

First time with a new partner since having issues.

During the foreplay when I am going down on her I notice I am not as hard as I think I should be so I pamic

I tend to preplan my sexual encounters. I struggle with uncertainty. Is she getting turned on? Is she turned on enough to start intercourse. When should I start it. I start to build a plan in my head of when it’s best to progress through these steps and when there is any deviation I panic and can no longer perform. If I lose my erection during foreplay I panic and expect it not to come back. So it doesn’t. My triggers are spontaneity, and the unexpected. Also if my partner is more turned on than I am I freak out about not being able to match it in that moment, ruining my erection

I tend to find, because I I have frequently lost my erection during sex that if things seem to be going OK, or it looks like my partner is approaching orgasm I think, right this better not happen again, and of course it does

The first time with a new partner.

The condom anxiety hit so close to home because that’s where my problems initially started. I was hard but the process of the condom completely killed my erection with no chance of it coming back.

. During an extended period of no sexual intercourse or my girlfriend’s libido is incredibly high and she’s telling me how horny she is, almost begging to be satisfied is a major pressure and anxiety trigger for me

The moment she pulls my pants down or tries to touch my penis and when I try to put the condom on.

Initial feeling of softness

Immediate feelings of comparative inexperience despite having no idea or awareness of the others experience.

Sex at all - I was never specific enough in identifying a trigger early on so now it’s just any kind of sexual contact immediately provokes questioning, doubt, certainty that my dick isn’t going to work.

I feel when moving into penetration my mind leaves my body. Sex then becomes more mental than physical. I remember the feeling of not measuring up, my inner voice gets louder and try to move away from feeling pleasure, I try not to enjoy myself to last longer. All In an attempt to not finish first. As it goes further the anxiety increases whenever I feel pleasure, I associate pleasure with guilt. Because I have a belief that my girlfriends needs come first in order for me to allow myself to enjoy sex.

Condoms, switching positions, bringing in new toys, timing our orgasms together.

Anytime when I know I’m going to have sex and theres that added pressure I struggle

Main issues stem from scenarios where my partner and I want to have a “quickie”, so we under under a time or situation constraint. Maybe we are both alone in the moment while kids are away but before a certain time where they need collected, or a situation where we have the opportunity for sex such as working from home and in between work meetings or otherwise, but it needs to happen before something else. Once time becomes a factor i feel I am on a stop watch and at that point i know before it starts I will struggle to get erect unless i already feel movement in my penis before any foreplay begins.


Lead into sex, will I get an erection.

Moving from foreplay to sex