Hi! I’ve been having issues where I haven’t been able to cum during sex. I’m a pretty young guy at just 27 years old. And it’s really freaking me out and feel like my partner doesn’t enjoy sex and I’m not sure why it’s happening and it’s freaking me out. I’ve tried all kinds of different condoms with varying amounts of success. Sex now more freaks me out than is enjoyable and I don’t know what to do. Anyone have any advice for me?
Try new positions, more foreplay.
May I ask, why you think your partner doesn’t enjoy sex?
I have the same issue, and im 18 lmao
I figured out from the use of this app that its generally based on wether or not you’re completely comfortable, and fully in parasympathetic mode.
I originally thought it was porn but it turns out its more based off of following the journey of sex, not focussing on one thing but just enjoying the feelings and sensations of everything, trying to just be in the moment
Keep using mojo, shit works lad trust
Its definitely a mental thing for me, not at all a physical issue
Good luck with everything man