Hey guys, I really feel like I need to share this with someone as I am not comfortable to talk about with anyone irl.
I got a history of porn addiction (nothing too extreme but relatively consistent masturbation ±4 times per week) to porn in the last 5 years, but this summer I have done great progress as I have watched porn only 5-10 times in the past 3 months.
Anyway, I just moved to a new place and ended up meeting an amazing circle of friends and more importantly the best girl (personality and looks) I have ever been with. To note, I have not been in a serious relationship really ever. However, I have had an incredible connection with this girl on a personal and intimate level, and frankly, was very surprised that I ended up getting with her. (I of course found her awesome when we just met, but was not seriously perusing her as I was pretty uncertain of my chances)
We hit it off great, I was highly sexually aroused every time we kissed and got intimate. However, the closer we got to having sex, the more anxious I became and then at a certain point, I lost virtually all attraction to her. It really drives me crazy, because just a few days ago, she was literally everything I ever wanted physically, but now I just canât get into her. When we were about to have sex, I escaped the situation that I had to be somewhere, but I was really concerned about not getting it up for her. As our relationship matures, I really feel like having sex is the next essential step to more forward, but I just really hit a bump with this whole situation. I really want to be with her, but I am also unsure how to understand myself and this drastic shift I had internally.
Having already escaped intercourse with her twice, I am more anxious than ever, but I really want to do anything I can to be with her. So I would really appreciate all the advice.
I think it is some type of performance anxiety/nervousness or idk what. I also had a
realization that I only have had sex when drunk and never sober - perhaps that could be connected.
Would really appreciate anyoneâs advice/support.