Is anyone combining Mojo with medication?
My girlfriend’s patience for the lack of intercourse in our relationship is exhausted. I’m using 50 mg of Sidelnafil so we can have intercourse and as a means to build up my confidence and practice being in my body without fear of an erection. I plan to wean myself off the drug over time as I make more progress on sensate and wax and wane (as presently I cannot get it up on my own without porn (which I used to use once a month or so but now use every other month and hope to quit fully). I’m hoping that more intercourse will make my partner more willing to have sexual encounters where I’ve not taken a pill and intercourse and me getting hard are not end all be all (to release the pressure we’re both putting on me to get hard and help me focus on implementing what I’m learning from Mojo in bed). I’m also in therapy to work on release my desire to control for outcomes everywhere in my life which is definitely affecting my sex life.
Has anyone else combined Mojo with Sidelnafil or other meds? If so, how’s it going and are you able to ween yourself off the drug over time?
Yes i use mojo and take blue chew. Both have helped me I’m also winging myself off porn as this is where my issues originated from. I’ve had success with not using the blue chew but I’m not there 100% yet.
(not a doctor) That seems like a very high dose of sidelnafel. As a user of the pill, I get it too, you just want to be hard without having to worry about performance anxiety.
My plan is to ween myself off pills, but I’m finding it harder than I thought.
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Yeah, I’m concerned with the dosage. My doctor prescribed 100mg and I’ve been cutting the pills in half to 50mg. I get them in quarters once a few months but then did not get an erection on the 25mg so I’m a bit fearful of trying 25 mg again until I get my anxiety under more control and connect better to my body. What’s making the weaning difficult in your experience?
I take Cake’s super formula, 80mg generic Viagra and 18mg generic Cialis. Wow does it work! I also use methods instructed on mojo, so I guess it’s about what works. The combination is working out for me! Good luck everyone!
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I just decided to start taking Cialis. I figured it, if I can use the pill and practice with this app, I can trick my brain into confidence. When I go soft during sex, I try to get out of my head, but it doesn’t always work. Before sex, I prepare by doing box breathing to relax myself, I then speak positive affirmations and tell myself that my erections are strong, and that whoever I’m fucking is privileged to have sex with me. Once I start having sex, I get turned off by the slightest bad breath, too much body hair, or if I feel like the person isn’t into me. It’s frustrating because even if I’m turned off, I don’t want to embarrass myself. 
I’m taking Tadalafil through Hims. I found a full pill a day really helped, but it gave me really bad back pain and muscle aches, so I cut them in half. It’s not a magic solution but it’s a nice boost in combination with the exercises in this app.
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Stay on top of hydration and electrolyte intake and that should mitigate any back pumps you’ve been experiencing taking Cialis.
Also, supplementing taurine may be helpful as well.
I take micro dose of Tadalafil 2.5 mg a day along with Regular exercise slowly I’m getting back with erection.
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That’s a lot!! Any reason why you take both ?
I’ve tried it mate but it is not something you want to rely on as when it does not work you beat yourself up even more.
The bottom line is your girlfriend SHOULD NOT be making you feel like you are a failure. The only time I started being able to get an maintain erections on my own is when my girlfriend was supportive. She said “making it about me, is not going to help you. I am satisfied whether we have sex or not. We will get through this together”
It’s in one pill, not taking them on my own separately. Look up Cake for ED. I would post the link, but I’m not sure it’s allowed.
Yep, Mojo is really helping and I can go yellow pill free much of the time, but I sometimes take 1/2 a tablet of Tadalafil if I’m feeling a bit lacking in confidence… or if something is bothering me and getting in the way of my enjoyment.
Interested in the hydration and electrolyte to help with the back pain comment from another chap…
I did get back pain when I was taking it every time…
I still cannot stress how Mojo has the majority effect in my improvement…
In my opinion, meds just simply make your effort to have erection without any artifical stimulation. Mojo tries to teach you not to rely on these things, but if you don’t stop using it, you mind will still be connected to it and you cannot leave it out even if you do Mojo exercises. I’m not an expert but it looks obvious to me if you want to get an erection without meds, you should not use meds because your mind will still be connected to it (i get hard because i use the med). It’s another question how you would like to get rid of it (immediatr stop or decrease the amount every week). An expert could probably tell you what’s the best for you.
*meds just simply make your effort to have an erection without any artifical stimuli worthless.
Couple of reasons for not stopping using Cialis. 1- I’ve been having some prostate\peeing issues and some research is showing that it helps with this. 2- (probably the bigger reason) I’ve had sex success by using it and it feels good to have that reassurance. I take a quarter pill daily.
Follow up on my original post, I had a consultation with a sex therapist today (Bruce Berman, Phd) about starting individualized sex therapy which my U.S. health insurance may be able to cover (at least for the most part). I asked him for his philosophy on combining therapy with medication and weaning off the latter over time. He said that it is not his preference but has had patients do so successfully for whatever that’s worth.
I think pill, plus Mojo, plus individual sex therapy (or hopefully couples sex therapy if my girlfriend gets on board) are going to be my plan for now so that my girlfriend and I can have great sex while I work through my ED and so that it is easier for her to have some intimate encounters where the goal is not intercourse (which is really hard for her right now due to the dearth of intercourse in our relationship).
We can’t practice couples sensate because giving and receiving light touch activates her experiences of sexual violence and violation. Alongside intercourse with the pill, I’d like us to have sex where the shared understanding is that we stop if I get an erection so that I have some pressure free sexual encounters where I can practice Mojo and other anxiety-reducing techniques and feeling present in my body free from my expectations and her expectations of getting hard.
Possibly a dumb question, but have you tried using toys with your girlfriend? Obviously there’s no physical pleasure for you with that, but psychologically being able to satisfy her may help you, and I would have certainly thought it would help her.