Laying off porn and masturbation, suddenly depressed today after feeling great

I don’t have particular qualms with porn and masturbation. I decided to stop both for thirty days as a kind of experiment. I’m doing the exercises from the app so I’m touching and exploring. I’ve noticed a kind of arousal I’ve not felt in a long time. Much more in tune.

Today though I feel extremely depressed and empty. It’s been about five days and I was actually feeling pretty good, way more out of my head. Today though I could barely work. Now that the kids are in bed I have no energy for anything beyond getting in bed. I plan on doing some touching but that’s it.

Anyone ever experience something similar?

It sounds like your body and mind are adjusting. I went through the same thing when I stopped drinking heavily. Felt great for a few weeks (pink cloud) and then crashed. It’s just part of healing and eventually you find an equilibrium point and feel very content. Well done on coming this far!

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Yea that makes sense. I do feel better today. I also quit smoking so those cravings are definitely strong at well.

Thanks for the support.