Issues about going extra rounds masturbating

I have been struggling lately thinking about how I won’t have the energy for extra rounds while masturbating and it makes me feel more bad because if I find a girl who like to go extra rounds I don’t know if I will be able to hold up to her standard even though I want to my body won’t let me I don’t know what it could be just sharing my thoughts if any of yall on here have questions or have had issues about this before thank you for your time and taking time to answer questions ?:grin:

First of all it’s totally normal to need some time to rest/recharge between rounds — and the older you get, typically, the longer you need. Use the time in between rounds to enjoy other sorts of pleasure with your partner!

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Thanks for taking time out of your day to reply abs I will use this information as suggested :blush:

Hey man, you seem like you’re already living into a future where you have a girl with a high sex drive that will turn you a way if you can’t match her drive. . I would say consider that when you have a girl and if it comes up. Also I wouldn’t worry to much I’ve definitely been with girls that had more appetite than me. They are understanding that I need time between intervals. And if they still want more of you, you will probably be woken up in the middle of the night and you would be good to go by then anyway.

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Thanks for taking time out of your day or night to respond to this question of mine thanks man and I will try to take what you have said and try not to worry about it hopefully :grin: