Is it a weird desire?

Does anyone else get turned on showing off? Even if I’m not hard it still turns me on showing off my dick and ass. Does anyone else find that arousing? Maybe it’s the attention?


I’m the exact same way, I think its a pretty common fantasy

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I think showing off my ass turns me on more than my dick. Not exactly sure why.

Absolutely. Nothing hotter to me than some element of voyeurism or exhibition. Makes the gym showers fun! But also can be challenging when I’m trying to have 1:1 sex with someone because the watching isn’t there.


I just love knowing someone wants to use my ass just teasing can be fun

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I definitely enjoy showing off, I’m a shower and 9” so I love walking around the gym locker room naked and showing off how big it is


I won’t lie, that sounds like an amazing sight to see


I need to go to your gym lol

It definitely draws a lot of attention swinging around lol, I like the attention and always get a semi from it

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I like the attention and it usually gives me a semi hard on haha

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Fuck…wish I could see. Wish I could show off to you too lol

9 inches :hot_face:


It can be a lot for some bottoms, sometimes too much and they can’t take it so we have to stop. Only ever been totally deepthroated once in my life

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It can be too much for some bottoms to handle so we have to stop having sex, pretty frustrating. Also only ever been totally deepthroated once in my life and I miss the feeling

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It can be too much for some bottoms to handle so we have to stop sex, pretty frustrating. Also only ever been totally deepthroated once in my life and I miss the feeling

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I’m sure it is a lot to handle that’s for sure lol. Tempting sounding challenge lol

More than a mouthful :wink:

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How about a butt load? Lol

Haha many have tried and failed that challenge

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I’m sure that’s true lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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