What’s your guys’ success rate in this app?
I’ve been having an ongoing issue where I’ll be hard but in the space it takes to put some lube on and gently ease it in to get it might go soft or I’ll be 30 seconds in and it just starts going soft. I feel like I could be in my head. Or too much porn. I’m gone for work a lot (50% of time) and can easily masturbate 3 times a day if not more.
Sounds like too much porn. Can you try eliminating it entirely?
Yea after this last time with her she takes it hard and I feel guilty so I haven’t watched porn in almost a week. I jacked it yesterday with the audio stories in this app but I don’t think I will again. I’d like to not use aids for a while and I’m trying to not masturbate and see if there’s any death grip/ desensitization going on. I say try, but it hasn’t been that hard. I’m almost 31 and I think my libido is down. I think I mainly masturbate when I feel I need a dopamine dump.
Don’t use a tight grip when masturbating and use lube. U might be losing sensitivity down there .
Same with me and I know its too much porn + same death grip every time. Im getting over it by not watching porn. Talk with your partner about it too.im 38 now nut my labido has been graduaply declining. If you feel that then savour it up for your partner and dont waste your sperm on jerking off
This is exactly what I am going through. I stopped masturbating two weeks ago and have realized that it wasn’t as hard to stop as I thought it would be. I feel like this is telling me my libido is way down compared to what it used to be and that I have mainly been masturbating not because I am horny but because I am so stressed all the time.