How to use pelvic floor in the bedroom

How do we use the squeeze or relax techniques during sex to prevent PE?


I have never tried but it have to be a team play with your partner. I think your partner can do it for you if you sign that you are about to cum. It may take some time to learn it together and give the sign in time, but it can be integrated into your sex game :slight_smile:

Just to make it clear, i don’t think it’s a good idea to squeeze your pelvic floor when you are about to cum. There is a squeeze technique that you can use in case you catch it before the cum is inevitable. You can do a gentle squeeze your penis under your glans that blocks stimulus and you can avoid to cum. I think keeping back your ejaculation simply by squeezing your pelvic floor needs a lot of practice (you may need to keep it squeezed for 30 sec) and it can be painful and unhealthy to your prostate. It’s better to practice exercises that helps you to delay your ejaculation: kegel, start-stop technique, breathing technique, squeezing technique that i described above, and meditation to keep out of negative thoughts.

I really think it’s better to focus on concentration. When I’m about to cum now, I close my eyes and try to calm down. And it helps. I haven’t had super long sessions, because my wife enjoys playing with her clitoris when I’m inside and asks me to cum with her, but a year ago I would have ejaculated almost a minute after penetration. I feel much better about my erections and my control


For me it’s more mental, try breathing techniques or meditation to relax. If I’m thinking about it it’s gong to happen regardless of what I do

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