How do you plan to simmer?

My partner is out of town, and our communication skills aren’t quite good from my side while she is away, I’m going to try solo for this week, and I’m to do the texting

Consistent messaging and flirting… and making it about the person not just the physical sex

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Plan to be more intentional with the simmering we already do to be more regular and consistent

Random kiss or smack on the bottom, bear hugs, eye contact and compliments.

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eye contact, passionate kisses, sexting

I want to look her in the eyes and tell her I love her and then kiss her with passion and purpose :heart_eyes:

I’m not sure because my girlfriend and I do this all the time anyway.

Long kisses to say good bye and to greet my wife with a warm shower when she gets home from working out

Texting to say I can’t wait to see them

Tbh im already doing that, I think my problem is really on the other side for me, with with anxiety or the fight or flight responce that is triggered easily

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We do this, I’m glad we are working in the right way already

More touching, intentional kissing, complimenting his body, longer hugs

I already do this but I guess I could increase the frequency

More touches, more kissing, more messages

Have been using it over the past week, it has been working.
It is helping me to focus on being present and enjoying the moment and not thinking it always has to lead to sex.

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More intentional kissing

When my tang slide to the crib

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Slapping my gf on the

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Solo for now, just envisioning my gf in a sexy way already seems to be helping with my issue thank you

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I love the idea. I notice that even sometimes I would simmer just by looking and desiring girls, though I have to manage my expectations because I would get frustrated if I can’t get the girl