How do I solve anxiety issues

I have this weird feeling that comes in waves where I just get anxious all of a sudden and I loose all of my excitement for the moment, whether it is with my friends or watching the game I really looked forward to or being on a date with my girlfriend, it even affects my libido where I just go numb and my boner goes away and I have no idea how to fix this

I suppose you need to find out the root of your anxiety and question wether it’s truly worth being anxious about. Just confronting the thoughts and feelings might help.

Have you tried things like CBD, ashwagandha or rescue remedy?

I found things like this helped with my anxiety paired with meditation practices. Just small things you can hang your hat on in times where you have that “what’s happening right now” moment.

Obviously this is anecdotal and only applies to me, but I found it helps with my struggles .