How do I get my partner to top me?

Me and my partner have been having decent sex. The thing is he’s a side… which I really liked at first because it’s nice being with someone whom I can be intimate and passionate with. We really enjoy pleasuring each other in all ways that do not have anything to do with penetration. But I’m not gonna lie, I have been wanting to bottom. He played with my whole a couple of times and I loved it, but every time the chance has come for him to actually top he doesn’t follow through. The first time he thought I was in pain so he stopped immediately; I guess the loud moan turned him off. The next time he fingered me and apparently I wasn’t “ready”, as he said “I had a bullet still in the chamber”. It’s a butthole, that’s bound to happen every now and then. I want him to just go for it. And he tells me he wants to bottom for me but he is never “ready”. He has only bottomed twice before. Will he ever be ready? What do I say? How do I get him to just go for it? How do I get him to bottom for me?


Hey, I wonder if you have discussed this with him? It may be time to be open and to give him the chance to say is he or isn’t into your butt. He may have an aversion to bullets still inside - perhaps if you ensured to the best you can that they are not there may make it easier for him? There are of course other ways to get anal pleasure as I’m sure you know … it’s just good to talk man - he may not know huw important it is to you … all best man.

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Thanks! I’m gonna talk to him. Gotta bite the bullet and have a conversation.

I also always fear not being ready or my partner not being ready, but I find that taking the time to get ready, and acknowledging that we need that time has helped. We’re both verse, so we’d usually agree who would top or bottom this time and the give the bottom the time to go douche, while the other gets horny with some porn. Sex doesn’t have to be this spontaneous fantasy, it can also be planned so that everybody is more confident that it will be enjoyable for all :slight_smile: