Guys with early climax, what's your inner critic like?

I feel like I have already come a long way using Mojo to banish my inner critic. However, I am mindful that doubt and self-consciousness can always creep back in, so I plan to use various techniques to avoid this: breathwork, pelvic floor and other physical techniques, to ensure my confidence stays high.

My inner critic makes me concerned of the outcome and the possibility of disappointment for my partner

I don’t reay feel like I’ve identified a specific voice for my inner critic in this sense, it’s pre a feeling of not wanting to disappoint my partner


Its a mix of my own self-doubt said in my own voice and recollection of past awkward scenarios.


I don’t necessarily hear an inner critic, it’s more of a physical reaction where my body turns against my mind and basically stops ‘listening’.


Concerned that something will happen to block intimate moments before they have a chance to happen. A misplaced comment, an argument for no reason - basically self -sabotage.

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It’s just me talking shit to myself

A sudden rush of dread and anxiety recalling my most embarrassing moments come back to me in a wave. My best sexual experiences don’t shine enough to make the feeling go away.

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I worry hat I won’t last long enough

It says that I need to be confident in myself but it knows I won’t be.

There’s also a feeling of nervousness

I start to fear I won’t last long enough and that my partner will be disappointed, and that I have to figure out ways to drag out the entire experience.


Fear that I won’t last longs and be disappointing


Yes!! Took the words out of my mouth.

My inner critic tells me I need to last X amount of time and if I don’t then sex is a disappointment. I’m always thinking about not finishing.

Feel the same way. So much pressure, puts me off instigating sex

Inner critic makes me think I’m going to finish quickly and then makes me focus on that rather than the moment


It’sa feeling of shrinking into myself , convincing myself I don’t want to go there because failures will happen again

It’s a voice that tells me I need to be better than I currently am

My inner critic is basically controlling my sex life. It already knows that my body won’t cooperate. It makes me feel like a third party battling my mind (inner critic), and my body.

It says what I see coming which gives a feeling of confirmation that it won’t go right like always.