Do you ever get anxious during sex? How does it affect you? (Part 1)

When I engage in sexual activity, I can get hard but I’m straight away thinking “stay hard, stay hard, stay hard” and this makes things really difficult, usually resulting in me not enjoying sex but and thinking more about not wanting to let me partner down rather than just enjoying it

Absolutely. My focus often times goes from the moment to if I’m hard enough, or how things are going with my penis. Which takes me out of the moment and it’s game over.

I worry that i have no control over my erection and sex is thus a struggle

I sometimes get distracted by other things that are going on and can’t enjoy what I’m doing.

Yes. I feel inadequate in a way and wonder if I am man enough to make her cum and better than others before. I don’t know, I think too much instead of enjoying the moment :frowning:

Yes l over think with new partners, its becomes stressful, the more l think the more the issue persists, it takes time for me to relax with a new partner, happens with every new girlfriend.

I really think that over-thinking has contributed to me getting soft during sex. I may be thinking I’m going for too long without cumming or I’m thinking about the next position to get into rather than just enjoying the moment. Being present and comfortable is everything.

Yes, in the build up I get into my own head. Almost like I’m a spectator and doubt myself, I’ve almost convinced myself I can’t get hard now and avoid sex.

I get anxious all the time in the bedroom just at the thought of not getting hard which then in turn causes me to get anxious ultimately not getting it up, and the biscuits circle continues

Yes I worry I won’t get an erection after I randomly didn’t one time. Now i always get in my head

I usually take a pill if I know it’s gonna go down, sometimes that doesn’t even do the trick….


Yes … worry that partner is not enjoying it and kinda just fall apart

No not really

Yes solely because of a situation I had last summer. I had just broken up with my girlfriend and was in bed with a different girl a couple of weeks after and I couldn’t get it up. I think it was because it was just too soon after the breakup or I really just wasn’t attracted to her but it was traumatizing cause I was so embarrassed. Ever since then I’ve been able to get hard but when I take my pants off it just goes away because I just think about that one time I couldn’t get it up and it takes my mind to an anxious place.

I get very anxious before sex and actually avoid getting into the situation where I’m in bed with someone in case I cannot perform. Which is most of the time. I am 51 and this has gone on since I was 18. Prior to thay, I didn’t gave problems getting erections on my own.

I can get them, but only when certain conditions are met, these being masochistic in nature.

I just feel stuck in my head sometimes and it shows.

Sometimes I feel like I convince myself I’m not going to get an erection before we’re even close to that point. And then, not surprisingly, when it is that time, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

yeah, since my last ex 4 years ago… I’ve been anxious in most sexual situation. for me when I was with them, they just expected me to go and stick it in, which added the anxiety behind performing. so since then its not really left. hook ups dont really allow me a chance to have any foreplay or intimacy to kinda get into it so the anxiety stays.

Yes, I do get anxious about how I’ll perform. I admit I’m a try hard, so no surprise I guess.