I’ve been taking Tadalfil tablets (mostly as a confidence booster, so I don’t fear getting erections) and I’m getting hard all the time no worries there - but have been finding it super difficult to finish inside my lady, I have to do it by hand. This could be due to a long period of almost exclusively masturbating (to porn most often) before my current relationship, but some people have suggested it could be the pills? Anyone hear the same? Thanks.
It’s the porn brother. Porn and masturbation kill us as men
if we stay away from porn will it be ok? Is that the ultimate solution?
I’ve been married for 38 years and have struggled with erection issues for a while now. I have seen my doctor, tried the pills and still had the same issue when it came to penetration and finishing. I would lose my erection once I was in. I’ve been using the app for about three months and have had success with finishing inside. The pills only help with getting hard, but you have to be aroused to keep it. It’s definitely a mind thing. Maybe you are just desensitized from all the porn and the “ death grip”. Keep with the program and it will help.