Considered normal or nah?

Iā€™ve always struggled with my weight, teetering between size 32" (waist) and 34".
Sometimes in my life I am thinner, and other times I am larger. Unfortunately at the moment going through a larger phase. But for some reason this time I am really affected by it. I think what affects me the most is the fact that my face is still thin and my legs look great and my buttā€¦ But itā€™s just my midsection and it just keeps expanding. I really find it off putting and it is completely stopped me from having any kind of sex life because I just feel like nobody in there right mind would want to sleep with someone that looks like me.
Now that Iā€™ve set it out loud and Iā€™ve written it down I donā€™t think it is normal. And it is probably something that I should speak to it therapist or at least someone trained in body dysmorphia issues.

Does anybody else relate?

Totally can. For me itā€™s about hypocrisy, Iā€™m not attracted to women who are fat and donā€™t take care of themselves. So that means I need to keep in shape as well. I let myself go after my surgery 10 years ago and wouldnā€™t go out and date because who would want to date a fat guy when he expects his woman to at least look fit, right?

You may have body dysmorphia but I have my doubts. You can compliment what part of your body looks good. Iā€™d say stop being lazy, hit the gym for a bit, set fitness goals and watch your confidence get boosted. Cuz itā€™s just true, everybody looks better when they maintain their weight.

I should also explain that Iā€™ve been going to the gym for the last year because Iā€™m tired of being a hypocrite.