Firstly this is going to be long, but please if you have time indulge me, you’re the first person to ever hear this
This is awkward for me, and I’ve never opened up about anything to do with my mental health really, bar a recent chat with a girl I’ve become friends where I scratched the surface of some issues, and chats with chatgpt and I’ve struggled since I was 11 or so, apart from the odd convo with my parents - my mum is to sad/lost herself and seems to never want to be happy, so I end up feeling her burden more, and my dad is of the idea that mental health issues etc etc are made up and people just want to be victims.
Essentially I’ve been porn addicted since I was 11, only realised at about 15 the issue, and have battled it meekly since then, as I’ve got older I’ve been able to go longer and longer without it but I don’t think this alone is the key to making myself confident sexually.
I feel like I’ve wasted all these years scared of relationships and connection, all because of body image issues and one experience with ED when I was 15 (since then I have never got it up with a girl, or if I have it goes down as soon as my trousers come down).
I’ve never had a proper relationship, I’m scared of it, I’m scared of one night stands and I’m scared of sex in general now, I fear the shame from them, the shame if it gets out, and the shame of others knowing, I think most people assume I’ve lost my virginity (I never lie and say I have) and all my new friends at university wouldn’t guess I think. I’m tall and can be quite social on my day and I’m learning to love how I look and who I am, slowly but surely, and I’m exercising like crazy these last few months so I’m anticipating results.
I just can’t get over this gnawing voice though!
A couple years ago this extended to a shy bladder (today I pissed in a urinal while it was just me and my mate, and I haven’t done this in years so I was secretly gassed). I know it’s all up there, although I have had doubts about physical issues since in times of excessive porn use I would do things (I don’t think any of it was tooo crazy but I won’t go into detail) to enhance pleasure, and equally I’m going to look into the possibility of low test for a few reasons. The issue I face beyond this is my ADHD, which really causes strong self doubting thoughts, and if I have a worry about something like ED occurring it will bounce around my head and make it a self fulfilling prophecy.
Essentially I don’t know what to do, should I look for therapy to do with sexual health, eill this app be enough? Should I masturbate but only to thoughts (celibacy doesn’t seem right) what will be most helpful for me on this app?
If you’ve read this I hope you know how much this means to me, I’m scared and I want to break free from this curse that has plagued my teens, and i have properly fancied someone for the first time in years (the girl I opened up to a bit) and I want to be confident rather than fearful and start a new chapter in my life, with myself in control and free.