I’ve been using this app on and off for about two weeks now. Had psychological ED issues for years. Dabbled with low dose cialis and viagra to help with new partners, and usually the anxiety would leave and id be fine. Had great sex without cialis or viagra the other night, and the only thing I can explain is that I was able to fully be in the moment and I was able to lose myself in sex rather than spectatoring. Could not believe how hard I was and how good everything felt. Feels like a massive achievement, and hoping for many more positive experiences. I don’t think I’m “fixed” but it’s absolutely the right direction.
Amazing! Do you have a feeling certain exercises helped the most? And did you ever feel anxious during the experience?
I think just realising I was spectatoring rather than being in the moment helped. It was really useful to understand the fight or flight and what triggers it. I have been doing the meditations daily to keep myself more relaxed and calm, and to help me ignore negative thoughts or atleast to acknowledge them and disregard them. And the understanding of how I can bring myself back into the moment with sight, touch, sound, taste, smell.
During that particular experience I didn’t feel anxious at all, it was the best sex I have had in a while because I was so at ease.
thanks for posting this because I literally just joined 10 minutes ago and I wanna be excited about the journey ahead for me and this helped. and keep up the good work and continue to enjoy the moment.