Bad masturbation practices screwed up my sex life

For a while i’ve been unconsciously clenching my butt, tensing my abs and holding my breath while I masturbate. This has resulted in me not being able to get fully hard during sex and not be able to finish during it. I can take viagra to get to the correct hardness but I don’t want to keep doing that. It’s hard trying to not keep using it as I don’t want to become dependent but I don’t want to only be semi-hard.

Recently I have been consciously noticing and stopping myself from doing these things and I can get hard during masturbation - not as hard as I can but it’s better. However in the realms of actual sex - it’s not really getting passed 65% unless I take Viagra.

What practices do I need to do to retune my body?

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Mono exercises have neen extremely helpful. Also Stop watching porn and masterbating to it, it fucks with you brains neurons like a drug addict.

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It sounds like you have already made some helpful connections. Mojo will build on this, getting you back into your body and out of your head. The exercises will help you get your confidence back, so you can enjoy sex without the worry. : )

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