Almost back to my old self!

Hey just wanted to share my success on here not to brag at all but I have found others success stories so helpful. Just turned 42 the other day and up until this august I have always been an erection on demand person. But through that I had always taken a bit of pride and had also taught my wife of 18 years that whenever she whistled I would come running with an erection. Had a few misfires through the years that had worried me cause of always getting older but had been able to rally through it. This august my wife wanted a quickie. I work long hours at a stressful and physically demanding job. I was hard for a tiny bit than lost it. She pushed me off and said forget it. Really wasn’t being mean just gruff and if it wasn’t going to happen quick then wanted to go to sleep. That’s her personality. For some reason that hit me pretty hard and shook my confidence. Tried to fix it on my own for a month or 2. She felt terrible about it. Started looking at pills and then found this app. Figured out it wasn’t physical but mental. Which I was extremely scared it was physical.
Happy to report after a few months on here I’m almost back to normal! Through the app was able to get pretty normal erections again. Slight side effect that I put so much mental effort into getting and keeping an erection I was cumming within minutes (before my wife orgasmed) which before I had pretty good control over. But was happy that I was having pretty consistent erections and wasn’t going look a gift horse to hard in the mouth. But have had sex yesterday and this morning for 10 -15 minutes and came after my wife, which is always my goal.
Things that have worked for me: the biggest one is this community to know that I’m not alone and there are a lot of men going through this and can talk open and candidly with. Started getting therapy. Have a lot of unprocessed trauma from my job and childhood which I now know effects my sexual health. Another thing I found that work for me is a cock ring. Think mostly a placebo but got the silicon one with the vibrator on it. The vibrations feel good, keeps me hard and the wife loves it. She has never been into toys but loves the vibrating cock ring. We also have been having more open and honest conversations about sex. Odd that at 18 years of marriage and children sex is still a weird and taboo feeling discussion. Also during this I was picking and choosing the times to try. Making sure I wasn’t in more than usual physical pain and in a good head space.
I am by no means all the way back and feel like it might be a bit til the feeling of ED is just hiding but feel I have more tools and won’t be such a traumatic thing if it happens again. Thanks guys and hope this helps someone cause these stories have helped me tremendously!


Great news!

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I have a very similar story ( been with my wife for 15 years and had my first major issue in August I am 46 years old ) I also was just about to share my success as of the last couple of days ! Almost back as well !


Reading this story fills me with hope, and joy for you dude! I myself think I’ve put so much emphasis on firmer erections that I’ve just lost control of my climax and cannot last more than a couple of minutes. It’s absolutely ruining me. It’s definitely a mental thing, but still struggling with it. I’ve recently consulted a sex therapist and seeing how things go. Fingers crossed it works out!


Great story man!!!
Nice work!!!

Yes awesome news! I’m also super excited that I am completely off of pills now !! They definitely became my crutch but with constant work mentally and understanding how much of this is psychological I am making great progress ! Super thankful for stories like yours that have given me so much encouragement. It’s crazy how similar we all are! May God bless you!

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Which ring is it?

Thanks for sharing! I can absolutely relate to this and have a very similar story, so it’s great to hear others having a shared experience.

I unfortunately ended up going through about 10 months struggling until I heard about Mojo, so I’m just sad I didn’t find it sooner!

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I got it honestly at Walmart for like twenty dollars. Blue rubber silicon with a small box like thing on top (the vibrator with 10 settings) all covered in silicon rubber. Does the trick. Do need to put lube on it to get in and seated correctly. With lube doesn’t hurt at all.

Awesome pal. I’d say you talking about it is a HUGE factor. Talking to my wife about my erection anxiety was a huge turning point. Made it a team game. Also, cockings are awesome, for all involved.

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That’s great man and thanks for sharing! Do you mind me asking what exercises from here you found most helpful?

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Happy to hear of your success, brother. Felicitations! I’m 79 and since last summer have been endeavouring to revive what looked like a dead sex life. I’ve come to the point where I’m about to haul out the white flag. I’m sorry, but the idea of using a cock ring makes me sick: if I have to try a ridiculous-sounding device like that, maybe I just need to say good-bye to those wonderful days of youthful love-making…


About the cock ring…
Would you throw away your glasses even though they enable you to read over in detail? I too was skeptical, but quickly took to it. If put on after you are at least semi hard, it restricts bloodflow out of your penis. It does help!!!
You may be referring to a vibrating or otherwise circus version, I’m talking about a simple silicone restrictor ring. If you go to an adult store there are many sizes and styles to fit an array of sizes. Don’t waste your time looking online. There’s no point of reference and nothing is returnable…

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So what did you do to overcome it ?

Being on here and looking for help. Realizing that it is mostly in my head and to start being nice to myself. Realizing that I’m not the only one that this is happening to. Like I said choosing times that I felt I would be successful to build that mental image. And cock ring.

Have to strongly agree with superb-fuschia-asp about the reading glasses analogy. I got the one with a vibrator on it for the express purpose of pleasing my wife. You can get a very very simple one with no bells or whistles. That is just something that worked for me. Don’t throw in the towel. Cock ring maybe wouldn’t work for you, but it might. If my wife is a bit dry but she wants to have sex we use lube. It’s something that helps. There’s a part here to that on this app we are talking mainly about the act of sex and erections. But a big reason to have sex with your partner isn’t just the fun and pleasure but is for the connection and building and reinforcing your relationship. Good luck man and am pulling for you!