What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 1)

I want to watch porn only occasionally for release and not use it compulsively as a coping mechanism.

Rule out that it’s the cause of any ED issues and possibly use it as a means to figure out what I’m into.


Take time to really enjoy it… not just gf lick it on and flick it off…

Not to judge watching. And accept my sexual being.

I am using trans porn. I want to stop this fantasy

I want to make sure it is not effecting my ability to get an erection or have sex with a woman.

I want to stop using porn and masturbation as escapes from boredom.

Luckily, I made a decision, many months ago, to cut it out cold turkey. I was truly addicted and it was interfering in my creativity and robbing me of other experiences and time with friends and family.

Occasionally, I watch porn when I’m stressed out. I’d like to avoid nurturing this connection before it becomes a bad habit. Also, I’d like to eventually get to the point where I’m not thinking about porn during sex just to stay hard- I want to be able to enjoy being in the moment with my partner.

I’d like to cut it out completely because when I do so for a decent period of time I feel like a much more confident and energetic person. I feel like I have more positive body images and outlooks on myself and I also believe it gives me not only more confidence but perhaps a kind of determination to go out and talk to a real woman rather than watching a quick porn video and calling it a day/night.

I’ll probably watch less. When I masturbate I fantitize about people I know anyway. Porn often gets me to compare my body, performance and my partner is a negative light.

I think I’ve been using it as a way to feel good but in an unbalanced way. I need to learn to incorporate other non-sexual activities that make me feel good into my life so that porn isn’t my only “goto”

It’s a quick and easy release. The only issue is I used to have to do it behind closed doors, so I had to be quick. I don’t get to enjoy the process of masturbating, porn allows me to go directly to the climax.

I’d like to stop feeling guilty about it in the one sense. I would like to maybe limit it somewhat though

Not using it everytime. I feel like I have become dependent on it to get an erection. It makes me feel shame also like I should always get an erection immediately which is never the case.

I wonder if I should watch more as I don’t at the moment and more real life porn

I want to end my obsession with porn, I want to be naturally aroused by a live person whether she’s with me or just someone I see

I want to stop using it as coping mechanism for my negative feelings, and also to stop feeling resentment that my sex life doesn’t match the unrealistic expectations it sets. To be able to occasionally use porn as a sex enhancement and not as a regular part of my daily life.

I want to watch less and become one with my body again