What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 1)

I want to use porn in a safe way where I enjoy the feelings and aren’t worried about the repercussions afterwards

I don’t think there’s anything to change. I can go days and weeks without it. Doesn’t affect me in anyway to need it.

I used to watch it all the time when bored/needing a release from my own negative emotions. I am getting better at it now, only watching it once or twice every month or so

I don’t want to watch/use porn to prove that I can get an erection. I wish that my wife was more open to the type of sex that is depicted in the porn that I watch, which is usually taboo things like wife swapping or wife cheating or even cuckold sex, with me being cucked or me being the person having sex with someone’s wife. With that being said, I would like if I found more vanilla lovemaking between a devoted couple more erotic

The comparative aspect is the worst, but I also want to be able to enjoy an orgasm equally without porn

Not a whole lot, but I do want the same anxiety free experience when with a partner. So perhaps make sure porn isn’t a “safe space”.

Nothing really. Maybe use porn less. But I don’t think porn has much to do with my ED.

Guilty that porn makes me hard more consistently. Watching all sorts of porn not to guilty but very secretive

I am taking a break for a bit to see how my body and ED reacts. So far I am seeing improvement, I think like it said here, it’s good to have diversity of encounters even with yourself.

I want to not watch it at all, and instead use this app and other methods more to help my mental health

The guilt factor has totally wired my brain to feel like it’s not only wrong but cause Ed like symptoms in my normal sex life. I think I’ve learned to associate it with regular sex and inadvertently started to feel guilt during sex. I also rarely watch it, only because I feel guilt even before I do.

Not much I would change, I only use porn as get aroused and then finish, that’s it. I don’t feel guilty for doing it. However I would like to watch a variety of porn, not just one fantasy / genre that I often go to.

Not feeling like I need to have the visual stimulation and also to enjoy one porn instead of a Montag without feeling like I’m getting bored.

i no longer watch porn but i think i need to stop feeling guilty about watching so much porn in the past. i also need to overcome the feeling of being scared of it like i’m still addicted.

I need to stop looking at unrealistic giant ass and tits

Only use it when I want to masterbate rather than using it to avoid stress and sadness

I don’t want to watch it, when I have a spare moment I’m the day. I don’t want to be scrolling between videos to find what I like. I only want to watch it once every couple of weeks when I feel like it and not because I’m bored

Comtinue not to use it

I only use porn every now and then when I masterbate to help me get and stay aroused til I cum. I’ve started masterbating with less porn to get more in touch with myself.

I routinely use porn for stress relief, so I’d like to learn more about why this is unhealthy and how to replace that with something else. I don’t feel guilty for the porn but I do feel bad when I’ve ejaculated to it knowing that when I see my spouse the next day I won’t be able to, and that delta produces guilt for me.