What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 1)

My porn consumption is not too bad. I went for 2 months without it and felt ok. I looked at it again last week and didn’t feel too bad about it. I would like to use other outlets in my life for the satisfaction though

I want to watch more sensitive and romantic porn, since I think I feel a degree of guilt looking at kink.

I want to ddecr3ase use of ports to pleasure myself. I want to stop looking at pictures and focus on self growth and learn my brain, Body and soul.

Diversify it

I stopped watching it but use it every other month for pleasure

Not to feel guilty and comparisons with the actors

I do feel guilt about watching porn, and I want to stop completely. I think it has had it’s place in my life and it’s time to put it away. However, I do intend to stop judging myself for it’s consumption. I’m a young man, and it’s fine.

I have been single a long time and abused it. Now I am having problems with a new partner. The sense of touch isn’t doing it. It Won’t work. I have always had first time jitters, but this is way past that. The nerves and anxiety kick in as soon as it’s “game time.” I think it needs to go completely so I can focus on utilizing my other srnses, and not justify porn in any way. It has made me compare myself to every man on there, and put unrealistic expectations on myself and my penis.

For years, I feel like I have often used morning masturbation to give myself the motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Not necessarily in the sort of way where I wouldn’t be able to get them out of bed if I didn’t masturbate, just that it feels so much easier to get out of bed post orgasm. I think perhaps overtime. This has become a lot of a habit and the comments in the module about expanding the ways in which we self soothe, make me think that it could be worthwhile to try, expanding the variety of ways in which I motivate myself to get out of bed in the morning.

Right now, I watch porn very rare, but I had my times when I did it for longer periods. I guess I would change to no spend too much time when I m watching it and just to feel better after it, not thinking I wasted my time and I could have done better things instead.

If I watch porn again, I want to watch more realistic porn. Things that would be more likely to occur in my life.

Reduce the guilt I feel immediately afterwards. Focus on a singular video at a time. Use different outlets to handle stress and procrastination. Never watch during the day.

My desire to watch porn has faded. I used to watch everyday but not anymore. I only watch once per week now and feel better for it. I only use it for fun occasionally now and I don’t feel like it is an addiction or the cause of any health issues for me.

I will stop using it and instead masturbate with my mind and practice orgasm control.

I rarely use it. When I do I don’t watch very long. I watch different types or just look at images.

I would like to stop using porn/masturbation as a way of tackling boredom/anxiety.

If I am bored working from home/putting off a stressful task I tend to masturbate as a way of distracting me. I would like to find other ways of coping with this stress, which I think will help me in other aspects of my life.

I would also like to limit my time mastubating/watching porn to just in the evenings, at most once an evening (ideally not as frequently in the long run.

I don’t wanna feel guilty after like it’s some terrible thing I have just done and look at it as a mid weekly thing to get a physical release and only right before bed

Watch a little less

I’d like to have more of a variety of self soothing options instead of just porn when I’m bored, anxious or stressed.

I often rely on visualisation to cum (my principal issue; i feel like it takes me forever and she gets uncomfortable). I imagine my partner with another person and the focus draws away. I get very stuck in my head on these occasions, and I’m wondering whether it’s because I need strong visual stimuli to get turned on. I’m thinking of asking her to adopt hotter positions for me to help initially.