What did you learn about your inner critic's tactics?

I’m determined to overcome my inner critic more than ever

Hard to differentiate inner critic with me when we kinda think the same

Inner critic exercise is a real eye opener.

honestly, i’m not sure if writing things out helps or not. i’ve been very aware of the inner critic, i just need it to shut the hell up.

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I need to accept myself more and realise I’m only human.

Writing thoughts down definitely helps me see things a bit more clearly


The interactive prompts were actually incredibly effective at unpacking some thoughts. The follow ups really helped me dig deeper into how I feel and why

The prompts were very good, wish they had more answers though. However it was nice to write it out

Yes it works. It helps me clarify what I am feeling.

Writing things down helps me visualize and gather my thoughts so that they aren’t racing and makes it easier to sort them out

I liked the interactive thoughts to dig a little deeper

it seems to help a lot


Yes it was great


It was helpful to go through the questions and get a better understanding of what my inner critic is trying to account. It is trying to protect me and is responding to pain I’ve experienced in the past

I learned that fundamentally I need to cultivate more self-compassion and presence/enjoyment

My inner critic has a significant impact on my mental state and physical performance

Yes it works and the responses and summary’s were very helpful