What did you learn about your inner critic today?

It will allow me recognize when my mind is playing tricks on me and break free from those thoughts.

I think I always let my inner critic guide me because I thought it knew best. But it’s time for me to challenge it.

It will help me separate that voice for my identity- knowing it’s not me , it’s just thoughts that may or may not be useful but it doesn’t define me

Yes it was very accurate and I could feel it instantly when I saw him. Interestingly, I also felt that it was separate from me somehow, like a negative ego part or something.

It looked mostly accurate, I imagine it being smaller, something that is buried deep inside me, but appears when I am at my most vulnerable

It was more spot on than I imagined

Yes it did highly, I feel as though it was spot on as to how I feel mentally and how my thoughts perceive themselves

Resonated somewhat. Helps to put a “face” on it (my image has no face). I do this sort of internal visualization often, but not quite like this.

Resonates, makes me think that my inner critic is an annoying rat in me

My inner critic doesn’t have a voice, but if it did, it’d look like this. Solemn & sad.

It did a bit. It’s quite creepy

I could somewhat resonate with it, I feel strong and big but deep down inside sometimes, it drains me mentally and emotionally.

It was funny almost that I’m letting this thing control me

Interesting imagery, puts a face to something otherwise amorphous

It’s was interesting seeing how my critic may have been working to keep me in place. Like it is afraid I would leave it behind.

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It looked ugly

It looked more like it makes me feel, than what I expected it to look like itself. But I suppose it makes a certain kind of sense that a such small, sad, scared little voice would make me want to feel those same feelings.

I see my inner critic through my own eyes but the image feels how it would appear standing across from it.

It was so cool to see the image of what I’ve been feeling. It really illustrated everything for me

It’s helpful to have an image to focus on