The feel-good thread of small wins, big wins, and full-blown success stories


I’m Ellen, the CRM Manager at Mojo. I’m on a mission to make emails that add some extra delight to your Mojo journey. And I need your help.

If you’ve seen some cool changes, or realized some awesome stuff with Mojo so far* I’d love to hear about it!

*And are OK with being paraphrased or quoted, very anonymously, in an email series going to other Mojo men. Want to make it clear at this point that this community is a safe space. Normally, we never share community comments, but this thread is a little different.

Ok back to it. If that sounds like you, here’s your brief:

The best part of my job is getting to hear all of your incredible stories and milestones. It’s inspiring. I’d love to share these with other men who are a little further behind on their journey. Having your story as proof that the hard work pays off. That success is just around the corner, even though it doesn’t always feel like it.

Get as honest as you like. Maybe you hit a hurdle in week 1. Maybe you doubted how much Mojo could really work. Perhaps you even deleted us for a bit (so happy you came back!).

Comment your story below and lead the way for other men. Thank you for being the inspiration guys need when they’re just getting started!


Excited to hear your stories!

I tried mojo before but was never massively religious about it . I saw some improvement but when the old demons came back I decided I was going to ask best as I could stick with the programme daily. Until recently if been using medication to bolster the nerves. Thought I’d gotten over it but low and behold the other day the dreaded flop or should I say normally dreaded. What normally would have sent me spiralling into a no hope situation I laughed off took a deep breath in the knowledge that if I just relaxed and enjoyed playing with and watching my beautiful gf in front of my id be back in no time and I was. Worked so well I managed to bring her to orgasm twice, bonus! Could’ve kept going but she was getting tired! I won’t get cocky though, I’m sticking to the programme keeping regular kegels and reverse kegels and keeping my head where it should be


This is great to hear :slight_smile: thank you for sharing

This is awesome. So glad you’re sticking to it and seeing the impact! Keep it up :heart:

Admittedly I’m kind of a mess… PED caused me to retreat and not initiate sex with ex as to not cause frustration and embarrassment for both of us… That turned into a porn habit and a death grip. That damn inner critic just won’t shut up either….:rage:
Fast forward. New GF. Very warm and understanding. (As opposed to frosty the snow wife…) I’m Very open and up front about my PED & my death grip with current gf. Together almost 7 Mo. (both 53yo) At first I got real frustrated when I’d lose a perfectly good hardon while working my way in……
She was super cool about it…! I played it off. I love foreplay and going down on her. I’ve realized that Knowing I can make her scream, wiggle and have multiple Os WITHOUT a hardon is very satisfying for me. Honing my oral and fingering game has been a game changer as well as this app. I use the breathing exercises as well as several kegal exercises with several of the meditations pretty regularly. I can calm myself down when I lose it and get back to a semi and get back in there.
I just got back from a trip where we were together 6 nights. I think we had penetrative sex 5/6 nights. 3/6 mornings with varying durations. I lost count how many times she got off, but I know I only finished 2x.
Delayed ejaculation/death grip is the next issue im going to tackle with the Mojo app….
Im a work in progress.
It sure has been cool to read the topics and replies from all you guys/ it truly is inspiring and mood lifting to know I’m not in this alone!

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