Porn and masturbation desensitized me, I cannot orgasm and finish with my partner

Me and my partner are long distance, so whenever we get together more than likely we’re having sex. Everything feels good but I just cannot finish… She even has doubts thinking it’s her but I’ve told her that it’s me. I started Mojo and NoFap challenges to try to “rewire” my brain, but my issue is that these challenges are mostly solo, where my mind knows it’s a safe environment to train. However, once I get with my partner stress levels tend to rise and it gets more difficult to maintain an erection and finish. So my question is how can I rewire my mind to fully enjoy sex with my partner even though we’re long distance? We’ll cuddle and make out in the bed and I can get an erection, but whenever it’s showtime then it goes away. Last time I masturbated I was able to finish within 2 minutes, but with my partner I could go for 30 minutes and can’t get close. And when I do think something is building up it goes away after a while. Luckily for me me and my partner agreed that sex wil not be a top factor in our relationship, I also told her that I’m more into pleasing her so one of the stress gets taken off seeing her feel good. I just get prescribed some generic Viagra and I tried one solo to test to get a feel for it. I’m hoping it helps when it’s time to get active. Thanks for reading.


Do the steps and the learning on here man. It’ll explain a lot and do the exercises. Theres ones that teach you how to feel again. I have the same problem and am noticing significant improvement after a week. It’s not that we need rewiring. Were just forgetting steps because solo is so different. Pelvic floor excersizes are very good for keeping the erection from a physical standpoint then there are mental strategies to keep you in the moment and remind you how good it all feels. I was the same, I thought it was because I wasn’t doing super hardcore porn shit with my gf like I’m used to watching but it was all just my head in the wrong places. Trust the process

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