Obsessive thoughts

Does anyone else spend too much of their time obsessing over having erection issues despite knowing it is counter intuitive. I’m on high alert thinking about it all the time!

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I have the same issue. Some days are better than others. I go to therapy to talk through these issues, I meditate, I take anti-depressants / anti-anxiety meds. Sometimes things are good and I am relatively worry-free, and other days I feel hopeless. Wondering if and how others have overcome this particular issue of obsessive thoughts.

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Yes, I think it’s quite common, especially if you are prone to obsessing over what you’re anxious about. I do it all the time, but I try and shake myself out of it and think about other things while reminding myself that obsessing over it will not solve anything. Because the worry bells in my head are sounding, I naturally obsess over it and try to “solve the problem”. Just remind yourself that you’re okay, it’s totally normal, and you’re not alone.

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Yes, I know this scenario well. I know the advice is to let the fear pass but it does become an obsession. I found that using viagra a few times to regain confidence helped as when your sub conscious accepts you can get and keep an erection you know you have a fallback plan and often the fallback plan is not needed.
Ive overcome several long spells of ED using this method but everytime a relationship ends Im back to square one!

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Yes. I was diagnosed with ocd when I was young, so I’ve been dealing with obsessive thoughts my whole life. They never were about sex. Now they are. This just started a few months ago and I’m literally using every resource to try to stop this obsessive thinking. At least I have practice at dealing with obsessive tgohghts since I’m ocd. The only thing I haven’t tried are pills/medicine for ed. I’m 90% sure this is psychological, just got a physical so if the results say otherwise maybe I’m wrong. I had so much sex from December-July, now it’s October and my thing doesn’t work. I don’t have a woman to help, I’m too afraid to try. This isn’t me, I’m good at sex. I’m good at getting women to have sex with me. This is such a huge part of my identity as a younger, handsome, successful, single, 30 year old guy. I can’t believe I’m having this issue. I see my thoughts are making it worse.

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