If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

I started this journey because I had a bad sexual encounter. Now I’m here because I have realised that everything is not ok in my mind. Hope this helps.

To be able to be less effected by thoughts in real life

Be able to get through it without feeling bored and quitting

Try and improve my mind after years of trying to push the bad thoughts down and away

It makes me more relaxed due to the deep breathing

It helps regulate your stress, and focus on things you need to accomplish. Great exercise if done regularly

Hoping I’ll have better emotional regulation and be more in the moment during sex

Be in control of my emotions

Yes I tired and I think it helped but I didn’t keep up with it.

Felt like I was less likely to lose myself in my head. I could deal with stress better. I just fell out the habit and regressed

I want to be able to calm my mind when it’s racing and full of negative thoughts

Deal with stress more effectively

Box out the invasive thoughts for even just 5 mins

Mindfulness and to
Be able
To perform very well in the sack

I have practiced meditation several years. It changed my life. I noticed that when I am not meditating regularly it is harder for me to enjoy sex.

I have been meditating on and off for many years, now I’m in a good routine with it and the difference in my life is marked.