If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

Hoping to achieve some ability to overcome my catastrophic mindset

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Allow me to relax more completely.

More relaxing thoughts day to day

I’m hoping to improve my ability to stay in the moment and not in my head

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I would like to learn to be more present in the moment. During sex but also the rest of life.

Since I have relaxation induced anxiety meditation and other relaxation techniques have always made me skeptical of them but I am hoping by doing it more and more my body will break away from this issue

Get betr in my sex life and control my mind

never managed to do it consistently for more than like 2 weeks…

I agree meditation is brilliant, I forget to do it sometimes but I always try to meditate 10 minutes a day, I now feel like I can let go of negative thoughts after a slight struggle

Anything I can do to get out of the loop of the inner critic will be wonderful. I hope meditation can help me escape the cycle.

Settle my mind and have less anxious thoughts. It’s been profoundly helpful in my life. It helps me sort my thoughts

Slow things down. Help me order my thoughts. Give myself a break from trying to solve problems.

I feel like I’m a self-fulfilling spiral of anxiety and I hope this will give me strategies to break out of that mindset

Helps me to observe thoughts and almost remove them from being so prominent in my head. Also allows me to slow down and be present

Stress reduction, being present, one with my body and mind

I get a break from everything and just exist with myself, my breath and nothing else. If my mind goes on a journey i just notice it and focus on aspects of breathing again. It gives me the peace of mind nothing else has

I can definitely tell when I don’t meditate for a while. I feel unfocused and anxious and I’m unable to manage my emotions. Meditation gives me a sense of ease that lasts throughout the day and makes me happier and feeling more aligned with my goals and desires.

A way to silence the worries about performance and inner critics voice in my head

I have coincidentilty been trying meditation for other reasons. I can see how it can help me to stop or ignore my inner critic, but this sometimes seems ike an impossble task. I’ve tried everything else but will give it a try.

Honestly I hope it can slow down the flood of negative thoughts and anxiety. I feel more aware of how much my inner critic dominates my life and I want to lessen that discomfort that I struggle with daily