Identifying the inner critic during soft penis pleasuring (Part 1)

How will you be able to satisfy anyone, you’re just going to lose your erection when it matters most

It reminded me of the time that I had gotten soft during sex, but also it reminds me of the times my partner would just play and study my penis and just how interested she was with even with it not doing anything.

Made me wonder if this would truly help and if I’d ever get better

Not sure if I’ll be getting any better

My inner critic wasn’t really loud this time, I was in my head telling myself it’s okay to have a soft penis and it’s nothing weird about going soft because I know me and my penis will work together to stay hard during sex

Why won’t it get fully hard, even now when I’m on my own

‘It’s broken / not sensitive enough’
Also told me that my ex who used to play with my penis after sex when it was back to being soft was actually making fun of me, which is 100% false

Critic is difficult to identify since it’s usually just feelings and images instead of words, but the main thought was basically ‘other guys she’s been with didn’t have to do this’

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My IC said… you don’t feel excited about these types of arousals

Bringing up past sexual encounters when I couldn’t get hard. Saying my erections will never be normal again, and keeps planting more seeds of doubt.

I felt comfortable holding and studying my penis, but I noticed the critic low key questions my small skin imperfections - ‘The women might not like this’. Those comments created anxiety I guess but I think these methods will help.

Why cant it get harder now, when I’m on my own

It’s small. This is why you couldn’t please your wife. ED or not you’re small. But it was fleeting.

Every time I tried to tune in quietly to the sensations from my penis it interrupted me saying that I don’t have as strong sensations as I should.

It will go down for sure

My Inner Critic did not show up. I think my Inner Critic is the wounded little boy in me that is trying to protect me from being hurt. But being hurt or risking being hurt and pushing through fear is how I grow and how the confident man in me shows up and takes the reigns from the little boy and begins to begins to show up and be assertive. I am not a slave to the Inner Critic or little boy inside me, I can stand apart from this voice, recognize it and choose to receive any self-doubt, fear or shame. My thoughts do not control me I have agency over my thoughts.

Telling what was i doing and feeling it a bit weird but manage to shut it off and just do it

Why is it not getting fully hard

Why do you talk to your penis? It doesn’t have ears or a brain.
The critic wants me to believe that my penis won’t “listen” to me (in a figurative way). Meaning, that even the nervous connection cannot be influenced by me. This is not true of course. I just need to make it follow my commands (avoiding the term “listen” here).

My inner critic was reminding me that it’s not when I’m on my own that is the issue, it’s being comfortable when I’m with a girl that I have an issue with