How would you describe the sensation of a Reverse Kegel?

The instructions and visuals helped me to practice reverse Kegels! How good!

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I think the suggestions and visuals really helped, I say give them all a crack.

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The only thing confusing is the difference between Kegels and Reverse Kegals. They both seem to be the same?

It feels… Reversed! I am used to kegel “pull” but that is a “push”. It feels weird!


Like trying to squeeze one out

Pushing out a fart

pushing out a fart or an underpressure piss

Pinching out some poop

Pushing out a poo or a fart, feeling the downward pressure between my balls and butthole

Pushing out a fart I feel it the most

As someone who’s spent much of their life farting, I had little trouble wrapping my head around the instructions.

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Like I’m about to poop but it didn’t make it out.

When it described feeling pressure in your taint, that told me I was doing it right. Like a balloon inflating between your peener and your butthole.