Stayed hard for pretty much the whole ten minutes. Pretty happy with how it went. Times where I started to go soft and my inner critic came out but managed to stay in my body. Couldn’t help but cum. Very soon after the 10 minutes.
struggled to stay focused
I found it difficult to stay focused my mind wanders often so I just threw on some bag round music and just kinda tried to keep focused 10 minutes was difficult but we got there in the end. Not overly sensitive so just felt odd
Not much didn’t even get an erection
really doubt prm and how mojo is portraying it as “resenstizing”.
according to the study mojo cites, prm is a form of idiosyncratic masturbation that can cause delayed ejaculation. but there’s no discussion of the mechanism with how it does that.
the improved ielt in the study and other studies
on prm, while impressive, is not clearly about hypersensitivity or stress-based pe. need clarification on the purpose of prm in this context.
would like way more clarity on why prm, as well as mojo to use the 2023 study on prm which has a much much much larger sample.
A bit odd not very stimulating
Start to get hard a bit after 8 min. Might just need more practice
Interesting,different, it felt way more controlled than when I do it normally
Took a few minutes to get hard and it didn’t feel very sensitive so I kept losing my erection and getting it back. It’s been so long since I’ve done anything just using my thoughts and not porn as well. I struggled to be able to cum using penis root masturbation I kept masturbating the usual way after the ten minutes and tried to let myself climax using the technique but found I not. Only my first attempt though. I did feel way more controlled though.
Stayed soft pretty much the whole time, but I was also not trying to get hard. Didn’t get much sensation. Not sure if the point is to try to get aroused or not doing this or not.
It was harder to keep my erection without porn or visual stimulation. After the 10
Minutes i got myself to climax rapidly with my usual method my orgasm was a bit more than with usual masturbation.
I was able to feel some sort of sensation, but really wasn’t anything crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a “trust the process” type of exercise
Didn’t feel anything
Could not get an erection for the first 7 minutes. Find it weird because I can get an erection almost anytime
Unusual but interesting. Definitely need to play with different speeds and pressures to get a better hang of what feels best. And definitely using lube next time.
Didn’t get fully hard. Not massively sensitive but can tell that if I changed it up I’d get to the point of no return fairly quickly
Definitely need to get used to this