How was your first experience of penis-root masturbation?

it was good, but didn’t feel like much. waiting to see how it will affect my sex

I stayed hard but found it more relaxing and easy to not cum

Not much stimulation for me, had to switch back to my usual method to cum

I’ve noticed different sensations and this has helped me feel relaxed, not necessarily focusing on the end goal, but I can see how this will help me achieve that when it comes to sex

Not as hard and not going to cum but still felt sensation

It didn’trealy seem to work for me, kept on going soft but definitely felt new sensations

I honestly didn’t feel much there. Would love to see if it’ll be different

I didn’t stay hard very long lol

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Think this is something which needs dedication to regular practice to see the benefit. Will try and stick to it! :pray:t2:

Initially felt like nothing but it did develop and felt ok at the end

Struggled to really get into it at first, got better as went along, but not as good as traditional method.

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Didn’t feel much. I’ll try & stick with it though

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I didn’t feel very much. But I felt if I am able to target my sensation in that lower area I’ll be able to last longer.

Wasn’t sure if I was doin it right but I’ll keep practicing


Didn’t feel as stimulated more just touch

I did not get hard this time but I did feel a different sensation. I will keep trying

Couldn’t really feel anything in a pleasure sense, it wasn’t bad but all I felt with the muscle of my hard penis, but I imagine the more I do it, the more I will begin to feel new sensations

Did not stay hard with this technique

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Difficult for me to stay hard with it which is rare, but I’llstick with it. Wasn’t super pleasurable. Had to switch back to traditional a good bit.

Certainly felt different, had to resort back the traditional method a few times, but as it’s an exercise to develop new brain connections, so I hope that constantly working on this exercise will improve my ability to feel different and new sensations in the future