How was your first experience of penis-root masturbation?

I started to feel the new sensation from minute 3. But it was great, I felt very stimulated.
Positive experience!

It felt best at first but got less sensitive as time went on. Plus thumbs got tired

Thumbs definitely got tired

Shifted the focus from my sensitive tip to the base. Thumbs definitely weary. Towards the end when I went back to the whole shaft I wasn’t that over stimulated by the tip.

Worked hard not to be self critical about not staying hardy. Felt great to slap the tip on my stomach while I massaged the base.

It was hard to find the sensation

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Noticed that squeezing my dick with my fingers from the sides at the base reminded me of having sex with a tight pussy. Felt good but working with the base alone was hard to keep it up

Didn’t find any sensation there but rather felt negative emotion for losing my erection and fighting to get it back

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Not really sure what the point was.

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This one did not help as Itercourse is not just the base

I noticed with the circular motion I enjoyed the feeling of the tip of my penis moving getting swayed around. Didn’t really feel anything regarding the base of my penis

The penis root massage felt somewhat like being inside of a woman, when she flexes her walls to tighten around you. This often was part of what pushed me over the edge and maybe the unfamiliarity of the feeling is at play

At first I was almost fully hard but then lost it. Got close to getting it back a couple of times. I don’t really feel much sensation at the base or anywhere on the shaft. I found it hard to focus on anything that turned me on because I was worried about losing my hard on.

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Building up mind body connection

Kept wanting more and more. But then I let go of wanting more

I was surprised how hard I stayed throughout the 5 min.

Without touching my front of the penis and just concentrating on the roots make me lose my erection. Not sure if it’s a normal behaviour as my front is more sensitive than the root.

It was refreshing to use my imagination instead of relying on other things but I didn’t get very hard.