10 is perfect. Mind wanders once or twice, but getting better each time
I found that my mind had only just begun to settle by the end. But then again i was in a particularly high-stress/focus state just before i did the exercise, so it may have taken longer to calm down.
I think this is something you’re meant to do once per day rather than during sex
10 was good though I dozed a bit at the end
Felt I could’ve gone a bit longer then 10 min
It was really good. I would have gone longer if i had time
he talks too much
15 minutes felt boring to be honest and I started doing other stuff. Don’t really enjoy focusing on the breathing for some reason even though it focuses the mind from other stuff.
5min is suprisingly good
It was good but the if the narrator talked less, it would be easir to focus
It was good, if the narrator talked less, it would be easier to focus
It would be nice to have a ambient backing noise:)
Felt great after this time. Starting to get this
Got my mind more focused at the end of the session.
Definitely cleared my mind of all the activity
Clears up at lot of noise and it helps me start the day more at ease
I think I’d pick 6 or 7 minutes. 5 felt very achievable but 10 seems burdensome at the moment
Did not feel like 10 minutes.
10 minutes is good. I am learning to not judge myself for finding my mind wandering. Simply begin again.
10 minutes feels really good right now. I’m not waiting for the session to end. I l’m curious about 15 minutes but think there’s a competition and a performance demand to do the best every time underlying that curiosity that I want to stop feeding