How was exploring an audio erotic story?



Really enjoying audio stimulation

Something I will try to vary my use of video porn!

I’m so horny now. But i didn’t masturbate. I’m gonna give up masturbation. But my penis is still hard.

Definitely work, my imagination got the better of me. Nice to try something different, going to try stay off the other stuff and stick to what’s real.

Second audio file didn’t match description

It was nice and got me in my body

Definitely something I want to give more of a try too. I never realized there was an alternative to visual porn lol.

Interesting. Neither fantasy appeals to me but I might look into it

I actually enjoyed the audio more than I have visual porn in a while. Didn’t feel bad after it. It took me a while to start to get hard but deeper in the story it definitely worked for me.

I think I am going to give it a go.

The MFM story wasn’t my scene, but I liked the idea of setting up some headphones, getting cozy, and listening to a more intentional scenario to see what happens.

It was certainly different, I touched myself gently and was getting aroused but quickly lost my erection throughout, my mind started wondering thinking about other things, also the fact she wasn’t talking so much whilst having sex would of distracted me, I wouldn’t of been able to keep it up

Bro this was phenomenal!
I got so hard, this is definitely a healthy alternative for me to make my mind more imaginative too!
Will definitely be trying this now!!

This was interesting for sure. Could be a way to try something different

Interesting. A whole new experience and enjoyable. Leaving things fully to the imagination. Liked it

It was a new experience from what I would watch but instead listen to it and it made me feel different.

Audio is not working.

It was more fun than I expected. Got hard, stroked, and blew a load. Will look into more of these.